Saturday, February 26, 2011

CNC V1-2

And the saga continues...

Some slight modifications and updates to the sketch;

Y-axis box redone to use less material now that I have smaller tubing available
Tube-adjusters redone as well to fit the smaller tubing and make better use of what materials I have.
Probably did some more stuff...

And this is how far I've gotten in reality, need to buy nuts&bolts for the adjusters and start putting everything together.

'till next time...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

CNC V1-1

Time for a new project since I still haven't finished any of my old ones... Either way, it's  small CNC Mill made mostly out of MDF board, illustration isn't done and quite rough.

Work area of around 180x140x70 millimeters if I remember it right.