Sunday, October 10, 2010

Coilgun - v2b V: Coilgun vs 1.2mm Steel

Just some test shooting at a 1.2mm steel/iron plate, took 5 shots to get through.

 Metal sheet got more and more bent until the projectile finally managed to penetrate fully. Tip of projectile is quite damaged and more blunt than pointy now...

Monday, October 4, 2010

Coilgun - V2b IV

Since my last post here I've gotten the V2b to work, break and work again!

Results are very promising, easily shoots through 2x3mm plywood and I doubt the second stage is tuned anywhere near good.

So here's the setup.
From left to right: Cap charger(230VAC -> 325VDC), Capbank 1&2, Coilgun.
Also featured in the photo is a complete mess of wires.

Target holder:

Little video of the shots I've taken so far.